MUG in Mobile Community Events

Gardening in Wellness Programs

Gardening in Wellness Progeramming with Retired Alabama Public Educators Insurance Plan managed by United Health Care- October 2023

Community Partners in Garden Programming

Check Presentation from Love Your Community with Airbus Volunteers. The funding was used to improve the Taylor Park Children’s Program- Spring 2024

Garden Talks and Activities with Students

Garden Education with Alabama School of Math and Science 2023

Garden Themed Literacy Camp at George Hall Elementary funded by a Mobile Arts Council grant June 2024

Making sundials at George Hall Literacy Camp with Master Gardener, Lydia Criswell

Thank you note and art from George Hall Elementary’s Literacy Camp June 2024

Grateful Gardening at George Hall Elementary’s Family Night- September 2024

St. Paul’s Seniors in Service to our Community Oct 2024

The team at Mobile Medical Museum who weeded, watered, and mulched the gardens/