Taylor Park
The Taylor Park Community Garden originated over 10 years ago as a component of the After School Tutorial Program that is managed by the Methodist Inner City Mission. The garden is located within Taylor Park in the Maysville and Oakdale areas of Mobile and serves children mainly from that area. Children in the Program are picked up from elementary and middle schools that feed into Williamson High School after school. The youth receive homework assistance, then they have the opportunity to participate several extra-curricular activities. The Gardening Program is one of the activities that the children are able to participate in each week. A group of garden volunteers teach a curriculum that covers a variety of gardening concepts followed by time for the children to work and play in the Community Garden. The garden is open all in the community. Mobile Urban Growers volunteers meet most Saturdays to manage the garden. Mobile County Master Gardeners assist and offer advice needed for a successful garden as part of the Grow More Give More initiative. Produce harvested each season is shared with the gardeners, children in the Garden Program, area residents and the Food Pantry at Central Presbyterian Church.
Greens Dec 2021
Thinning carrots December 2021
Taylor Park After School Program kids make jack-o-lanterns Fall 2021.
Mobile County Master Gardener Class of 2021 Community Project planted an herb garden and greens.